Iran-Russia defense cooperation pact activated: Putin sends commandos to Iranian military installations

Main mission safeguarding Iran's Basic Military Facilities

According to our article months ago, Moscow has taken initiatives behind the scenes on Iran and the possibility of US military intervention, with the sending of select commandos.

Since June 2019, a Russian consultant has been reported to the Iranian General Staff to strengthen Iranian air defense, consisting of Russian S-300 missile systems deployed at the Bushehr nuclear reactor complex.

Members of the Russian military intelligence service, e-war experts and advisers to the Iranian air command and control system have moved to Iranian territory to support Iran in a possible attack by the US and their allies.

Today, January 22, 2020, in the context of a possible very serious military conflict in the Middle East (US-Iran), Russia is alleged to have sent 80 Russian commandos to Iran, with the main task of safeguarding the country's main military installations.

Absolute discretion from Moscow

Moscow has not provided official information on the matter, however, given the appearance of the Iranian Foreign Minister in Russia prior to the Iranian missile attacks on the "licensed" US base (as it turned out) sources in Russian, Chinese and Turkish news agencies, many defense analysts have linked it to the Russian-Iranian defense agreement.

The United States, for its part, has very unpleasant problems with the possibility that the Iranian regime is secretly preparing nuclear weapons because it believes it will seriously affect the vital interests of the United States and Israel, whose security is guaranteed.

Iran's resolute refusal to allow any US inspection of its nuclear facilities, in combination with US sanctions against Tehran, has created a very heavy climate between the two sides.

"Russia, and President Putin personally, are watching the situation very carefully, and for this reason he has decided to send 80 Russian commandos to Iran's military and nuclear facilities to prevent possible US attacks," the Chinese news agency said. Sohu.

Recall that a powerful defense agreement still in force between Iran and Russia has been signed, the outcome of which is the dispatch of Russian warships "at a distance of the Kalibr rocket launchers" off the coast of Iran, while the airspace above Iran. , is scanned daily by Russian radars at bases in southern Russia.

This means that if Tehran is notified via Russian radar that the country may be attacked by US cruise missiles targeting Iran's air defense, and in particular reactors, military installations and warehouses, then Tehran is reportedly launching a missile. missiles on US warships and aircraft at their bases in the area with Russian "help" and targeting Saudi oil refineries and pipelines in the Gulf.

"Iran's Armed Forces Alert"
"The armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran," said a Russian military source requesting anonymity, "will have all the air defense systems ready to attack air, sea and land targets."

Russian specialists are now working in Bushehr and that means the S-300s are exclusively about Bushehr protection, "he concluded. A Russian military source said there is now active coordination between Russia and Iran in the Iranian General Staff of Armed Forces.

It all shows that Moscow is doing something similar to Venezuela, by sending forces to "secure" critical facilities and the country's political and military elite, seeking to prevent a possible American attack.
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