Mitsotakis Warns Erdogan: Don't Send Research ship to Castellorizo

Kyriakos Mitsotakis sent a loud message to Turkey about the rapid developments in the eastern Mediterranean.

During his interview with Alpha, he stated in a strict manner that "Greece will never accept any political solution to Libya unless the unacceptable memorandum between Ankara and the Tripoli government is annulled. We will veto. "

The prime minister expressed his concern about Greece's invitation to Berlin for Libya, noting that "our country did not receive any invitation. Of course Greece had never been asked about, this is a situation we hoped for. But we had to be there. I will also have my own contact with Angelic Merkel and I have informed all those responsible in writing, ”he said.

On the possibility of Greece going to The Hague, Mr Mitsotakis made it clear "there is no way for Greece to go to The Hague on any issue other than the designation of a continental shelf and EEZ in the Aegean and the eastern Mediterranean. We are not discussing non-existent issues with the Turks, ”Mitsotakis said meaningfully.

Responding to the challenges of Turkish President Erdogan, who threatened to send a research vessel south of Kastellorizo, the prime minister said that "if Greece does so, it will do what it has to do".

He added, however, that he does not believe that things will reach this point.

"The issue is not what we are going to do in a hot episode, the issue is not to get there. Greece has strong and proven alliances and I am not referring only to the US. Thank you Mr Macron for being the warmest supporter of Greece. Greece has very strong allies in the region, I put Israel but also Egypt. I do not think we will get to the point of managing tension in the Aegean. But if we do manage to manage it, "Mitsotakis said.

WarCalendar Agent: Trinity
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